Vilnius gin or Vilniaus Džinas is a geographically protected gin and can only be produced in the city of Vilnius in the southeast region of Lithuania the largest and most southerly of the three Baltic republics that regained independence from the Soviet Union in 1990.

The gin is a dry gin is produced by Vilniaus degtine at the beginning of the 20th century by the then Count Jonas Pšezdeckis on his estate. It is one of the oldest and biggest companies of alcoholic beverages.
It is one of the oldest and biggest companies of alcoholic beverages in Lithuania. The company launched its activities in 1907 when Obeliai Distillery started operating in Obeliai, Rokiškis District.
A Vilnius Gin is a classic dry gin with a flavour profile and strong aroma of juniper, and citrus, plus some herbal notes.